Grapple onto the cat walk of the granary and begin the fight up to the top of the silos. If you have the access military access card you get from Jasir shortly after the side quest “ Drought,” you can open the crate and collect the Military Experimental Brake Part, a level six brake part for your buggy. There are 3 Ceremonial Masks in Atilla's mansion, 2 of which are in his bedroom.Note: Just south of the granary is a short railroad track with an open train car on it, surrounded by zombies.Having done so, return to Atilla and speak to him to complete the quest.
Go back to the metal tower and replace some fuses and finally turn on the generator on the other side of the stone wall to unlock the safe zone. From there, follow the line to the electricity post and flip the switch. The second cut is located on the upper floor of another shed, just around the corner from the doorway.

The first cut is a short distance from the wall, on the corner from a small wooden wall connected to the shed. A power line is seen along the dirt which has pieces cut out. Having acquired Atilla's task to get the power back on, go back outside and head for the area where the demolisher was located. In the room right next to Atilla's another note can be found just inside the room, The Cult of the Sun, Sky and Wind #2. In this same room, on a desk with a computer just behind Atilla, is another note, The Cult of the Sun, Sky and Wind #1, just behind which, in front of a bookshelf, lies another note, The God of the Sun. The door to the left of the staircase is the one which houses Atilla. To the left of the door leading into this room, in a cabinet, another note is found, The Function of the "Mother" #3. The next room is what will become Crane's safe zone, with a sleeping mat and duffle bag already in place.

In this next room, at the end of a bookshelf, another note is found, The Function of the "Mother" #2. This area also provides a door leading further into the house, to the dining area. Going the other way leads to a side entrance into the Mansion, where on a table the note The Function of the "Mother" #1 is found. Up the stairs to the right is a kitchen, where another note, The Origins of the Children of the Sun #2 is found. The workshop leads to the staircase behind the red locked door.

This leads to a small workshop where a Ceremonial Mask and a note, The Origins of the Children of the Sun #1, are found. Break the boxes and push a cabinet blocking the doorway. After going through the door, a red locked door is spotted, so head to the room to the north. The door leading into the mansion itself is locked with an easy-level lock. Enter the cave and head to the back to find a ladder going up, climb it and enter the mansion's basement. It is advised to use a Grappling Hook to gain easy access to the cave. Go to the back of the building to see a broken staircase which would have led to a cave. Head for the mansion to find its doors locked, making it impossible to enter. While killing it is not required, it will make the rest of the quest easier to complete. Head for the Mother's mansion on the east coast.

After Crane completes " Anomalies", a member of The Faceless asks him to track down an ethnographer named Atilla who went missing.